Part 51: Chapter 20x: The Reason I Went For The Generic Units (Battle)
Chapter 20x: The Reason I Went For The Generic Units (Battle)Short update here, because even for a Gaiden chapter this ones a pushover.

Not a...literal Ogre. No monsters in this game. This aint Sacred Stones. Or Gaiden. Or Echoes, I think I have to add that now.

This is, as far as I know, the only time this Cave background is used in the game. Theres so much effort in new assets for this optional, extremely hard to accidentally reach map that...never get used again.

And that he does. In another case of This Game Desperately Needed Neutral Units, Ymir enemy for some reason. He wont move, though.

Marth has to go talk to him, so hes of course with his ace bodyguard, Auffle.

Pretty much everyone else takes to the western exit.

Many of the Mounted units on this map will charge you. This still shouldnt present much of a challenge, especially if you make sure not to let fliers in the Horsemens range.

This helps too.
Honestly, if you made it through Chapter 20, you arent going to be having trouble here.

Theres also a convenient chokepoint here.

Not that theres much to...choke.

You know, an interesting thing about this map (and most of the Gaidens) is that its full of riders and armored units, which Marth is great against thanks to the Rapier. And, even if youve lost literally every other character, you MUST have Marth, and this is a great spot to get him EXP.

These Generals actually have some substantial Attack, thanks to the Silver Lances, but they still arent too bad.

Im sorry, I cant say too much about this map, I just kinda killed the enemies.

Heres a Jagen one-shot.

Even their Manaketes are shitty!

This guy was late when they handed out the Lances.

Once you get close enough, the remaining stationary Paladins will begin a charge.

Thankfully for us, Marths reached his goal.

Ymir actually exits the map at this point. Dont worry, youll still recruit him, so long as you finish it.

Unlike Hard Mode Run Caeda, I dont think Normal Mode Caeda was lucky enough with levels to take on all those Paladins, so she backs up.

The rest of this will be a looting spree.

I missed the shot, but it was a Killer Axe!

You might be sensing a theme.

Freys got enough movement to dispatch of the Swarm Bishop before he can work his foul, bug based magic.

I hope you like getting Crits. But who doesnt?

Whoa, whoa, you dont fit the gimmick at all, buddy.

No wonder these two were on their own island.

The boss has no range, but Barst has a Hammer.

This was the most expedient solution.

And thats all he has to say, scene change!

Okay, this is a good blink portrait, maybe theres something salvageable in this update. Vote 5, folks.

I think people are supposed to be afraid of Ymir because hes...big? And has war paint? But nobody really has that reaction to him in this game. It takes until New Mystery for someone to just assume hes come to kill them. (thanks, steve)

Oof. Nobodys breaking themselves against that 9 defense, big guy. Ymir is...not good, unfortunately, because I love his design. Hes a mound of HP and Strength, at least, but thats about all hell ever be.
Bonus Content

Ymirs Official Art
He doesnt have the war paint in this one.